Pet King

Chapter 606: Friend

Chapter 606: Friend

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Speaking of social issues, the differences between China and Japan were fairly abundant. China was progressing very quickly, but its sense of social responsibility wasn’t keeping up with their growing extravagance. No laws were put into effect to regulate such issues, and with the increasing number of dog owners, it only served to contribute to the problem.

However, many were starting to be conscious of the problem. Both young teenagers and seniors were now getting into the habit of picking up after their dog when out on walks. If every dog owner did their part, the world would become a better place.

Having dogs as pets was more troublesome than having cats because there was so much more to be worried about. When customers were unable to decide between a cat or dog, Zhang Zian always recommended cats because they’re less bothersome.

Although it’s said that one can never be too courteous, Masanori Suzuhara’s courtesy was too much. She positioned herself as an inferior in order to show respect, which Zhang Zian wasn’t accustomed to. Why was he suddenly the superior?

“I’m terribly sorry for taking your pictures without your consent and sending it to others.”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize. I give you my consent, okay?” Zhang Zian responded.

She bowed gratefully and said, “Thank you very much for being so generous! Pardon me for intruding, I shall take my leave now.”

Zhang Zian waved. “Go on, you’re going to catch a cold if you keep standing out here.”

Masanori Suzuhara lightly tugged her leash. “Snoopy, let’s go.”

Snoopy gave the inside of the pet store another affectionate look, before running off cheerfully.

Just as her figure disappeared at the end of the street, Lu Yiyun arrived. Wang Qian and Li Kun would arrive later, as they had a long day yesterday and went home late.

Zhang Zian brought the broom with him as he headed back into the store. He decided to clean up the second floor and leave the first floor for when Wang Qian and Li Kun turned up. He always cleaned the second floor, more so after Pi appeared, he couldn’t just let anyone go up to the second floor.

“Zhi zhi!”

Pi was still seated in front of the computer typing away. Hearing Zhang Zian, it turned around and grinned at him.

“Good morning, Pi!” Zhang Zian greeted Pi.

Mentally, Pi was better, but it still lost sleep whenever it was excited. At least now, it smiled from time to time.

“How’s it going Pi? How many adds now?”

At this point, he was no longer worried about the question making Pi depressed.

Pi pointed at the screen.

“9,853? Just a little more until ten thousand!” Zhang Zian exclaimed, “Pi, you’re going to have ten thousand readers soon!”

“Zhi zhi!” Pi leapt off the chair and did a few somersaults.

Zian could’ve never imagined Pi being so energetic. The Pi that used to be depressed because its novel wasn’t doing well, was gone for good.

“Zhi zhi.”

Zhang Zian had wanted to sweep the floor, but Pi stopped him from leaving. Pi pointed at the screen eagerly.

“Are you saying that you want me to watch the moment the adds reach ten thousand with you?” Zian guessed.

“Zhi zhi!” Pi nodded its head.

“Okay.” Zhang Zian pulled over a chair and sat down.

Today was the last day of recommendations for the “Top Choices” category. Just as Zhang Zian expected, Pi easily made it through the first round of recommendations. If everything went as planned, Pi would get through the second and third round of recommendations.

“Ding, dong!”

A QQ alert suddenly rang out from Zhang Zian’s phone. He tapped the notification to take a look. It was a message from the editor whose profile picture was of a small bald monk.

Editor: 120 reading lists, how did you do it?

Zhang Zian moved the phone away from Pi’s view and replied truthfully: Went to the reading list and did some advertising.

Since the night he started advertising, 120 reading list owners added Pi’s novel to their reading lists and recommended it to others. Even Zhang Zian, who had started this, was in shock, let alone the editor.

Editor: So the owners added your novel to their reading list?

Zhang Zian: Yes.

Zian wanted to correct him, to say that the novel wasn’t his since Pi was the author, but there was no way he could explain everything. Yet, it felt like he was stealing the fruits of Pi’s labor.

After a brief moment of silence, the editor replied: Keep it up!

Zhang Zian: Okay.

There were no more messages from the editor. Being an editor meant that he was in charge of a few hundred books, so they didn’t have much time to chat, but Zhang Zian was still excited. From this moment on, Pi was no longer just a nobody.

“Zhi zhi.” Pi shook Zhang Zian’s arm and pointed towards a book review, urging him to take a look.

[Killed by a Sword]: We’ve created a Book Group, the group ID is 513717593. The group already has a number of members. To the author, come and join us!

“A book group?” Zhang Zian mumbled.

Quite a number of readers were asking if there was a Book Group, a space to allow readers who fancy the book to converse with one another. Zhang Zian always replied on Pi’s behalf, telling them that there was no group. He also had no plans on creating a group as it was never clear if anyone would join. If they created a group and no one joined, that would be awkward.

“Zhi zhi?” Pi asked what a Book Group was.

Zian briefly explained and asked, “Pi, do you want to join a Book Group?”

There was neither consent nor dissent, Pi just stared blankly at the post.

Zhang Zian knew that Pi had always been lonely ever since it came to the pet store. He was unable to stay by Pi’s side all the time, and the other elfins had things they liked to do. It wouldn’t be right for him to ask them to sacrifice their time to keep Pi company. Everyone had their own likes and dislikes, they might not even have fun together. Zhang Zian had been trying his best to make time for Pi, but there’s only so many hours in a day, it was never enough.

“Pi, why don’t we join the group?” Zhang Zian, but Pi still refused to express an opinion, lowering its head.

Zhang Zian could guess what Pi was worried about. Previously in the book review section, readers had left offensive remarks because Pi was doing well and they questioned if Pi had used any immoral means. There were readers who skimmed through the book, then made derogatory remarks, believing that they found mistakes and plot holes. Pi was worried about what it should do if such people existed in the group?

“There’s nothing to worry about Pi. You need to know that only a true fans would join the group. This person seems friendly and approachable, give it a try, if you don’t like it you can quit. How about it? Just treat it like you’re making new friends,” Zhang Zian said carefully.

Pi dazed for a moment, turned to look at Zian. His mouth opened and closed, seeming to mouth the word “friend.”

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