The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 60 - Someone Picked The Wrong Side

"Cheerleaders can also do that kind of thing, right?"

Among the younger generation, most had already been quite impressed by Emilia, and their impression of her only got deeper with her \'counterattack\'.

"I-I\'m pretty sure that was a fluke, right?"

"Most likely, yeah. No, it definitely was a fluke. She just acted on instinct, it seems."

"What kind of \'instinct\' is that?"

"Who knows? She was homeschooled by her family, right? Who knows what they taught her."

"She doesn\'t have any muscles to speak of, though, I doubt she knows any martial arts."

"Probably just basic training of gymnastics, or ballet, maybe?"

"Hmm… you might be right. Though I still think her leg muscles should be more prominent in that case. Her thighs are defined enough, though. Hm… maybe—"

"Sister… you\'re too obsessed with that girl\'s legs. Are you secretly a lesbian?"

"I-I\'m not! I\'m straight as a rod!"

Such discussions were not unique to just them.

Even if she may have only done it \'accidentally\', it was still a sight to see a girl backflip a glass of wine into the air.

Among the older generation, many of them who had previously looked down on Emilia had to at least reconsider their opinion. Perhaps she may not just be a useless doll. Perhaps Mr. White was training her as a weapon for his older daughter to use. Although Emilia looked a bit too weak, looks can often be deceptive.

Meanwhile, in the corner of the lobby, Theo\'s mom was fussing over the boy as he clutched his nose while looking pained.

"W-What happened to you?"

"I-I saw it…"

"… Saw what?"

Theo gulped as he realized what he had almost blurted out, and refused to speak another word.

He could only curse at his teenage hormones for weakening his will to the point where anyone other than his little angel could ever enter his eyes. Only pure, platonic sibling love was worthy of his heart!

His mother finally seemed to recall that in the commotion earlier, the girl had executed a backflip with a very, very short skirt. For her son to be having a nosebleed from the sight alone though—and at this distance, no less, where he couldn\'t possibly have caught anything but a brief glimpse—made the middle-aged woman very worried.

\'Does that mean he\'s not impotent, at least? But to have a nosebleed from something like this… he\'s hopeless.\'


Bianca\'s father only returned to the venue once the party was almost about to end, and only bothered entertaining and seeing off the most important guests.

In sharp contrast to his daughter\'s attitude, he actually seemed to intentionally ignore Emilia\'s existence.

Going by convention, Emilia\'s status as Mr. White\'s daughter made her position important enough to warrant at least a personal greeting by the host. To fail to do so, he can be seen as intentionally snubbing not just Emilia, but the entire White Deer corporation. After all... that was what she represented at this party.

His attitude clearly made many onlookers uncomfortable, while many others gloated in their hearts. Regardless, none of them were stupid enough to get in between these \'giants\' and risk being targeted themselves.

Of course, some loose mouths would definitely let it \'slip\' to Mr. White later. Whether their intentions were to help him or not was anyone\'s guess.

Cynthia couldn\'t help but sneer. "You can\'t let him go unpunished for looking down on us, Emilia! Go kick his ass!"

Of course, she couldn\'t just listen to Cynthia, or it would be another spectacle.

Emilia scoffed in her heart. \'Tch. He probably wouldn\'t dare to do this if Sam or Danielle\'s father were here instead.\'

Perhaps he had already judged the tides to be in favor of Mr. Black earlier, and having already picked a side, he was now bound to that boat. Maybe he even believed that Mr. Black would still come out on top in the ongoing struggle between the two megacorps, but Emilia was sure that anyone who deluded themselves so… was in for a nasty surprise soon enough.

Perhaps tomorrow\'s sunrise would finally open their eyes.

Emilia did not need to take his snubbing seriously, because she was already quite familiar with these kinds of turncoats. Once the tides really turned against Mr. Black, he wouldn\'t think twice before switching sides. Maybe he\'ll even use his daughter\'s affection towards Emilia as an excuse.

After all, these types of people did not have any true loyalty to anyone. Although Emilia preferred dealing with staunch and straightforward people like Dixie, she knew that making use of those like Bianca\'s father was also critical to ensure success at a larger scale.

"HUH? Instead of kicking his ass, you want him to turn to your side? Are these types of people even reliable, Emilia?"

Emilia sighed. \'No… of course not. Even while making use of them, we have to be careful not to be stabbed in the back. Unless we have no other alternatives, it\'s best to use more reliable options.\'

Of course, if she had a better, more loyal ally available to get things done, why would she hand a task over to a possible traitor?

"Wouldn\'t it just ruin all your plans if someone like that betrays you, though? It\'s best to not use them at all. It\'s better to let your plans go than to have them backfire on you."

Emilia smiled in her mind. Cynthia was quite sharp, but she was too straightforward and honest. Of course, that\'s how she preferred it to be.

\'You\'re right, Cynthia. I\'ll never use them for anything crucial, but there are times when even these types of people can be of use.

\'For example, consider an enemy kingdom with a treacherous duchy who wants to betray them and defect to my side, but I know they\'re the worst kind of scum that cannot be trusted, in that case, what do I have to lose if I tell them to get over to my side while creating a path of blood?\'

"Huh? I don\'t think I get it… you\'ll tell them to do as much damage as possible to the enemy while coming over to your side, right?"

Emilia nodded. \'Right. It will damage them both, and even if they manage to come to me in the end, they\'ll be a much smaller threat to contain, and that is only if I decide it is safe enough to spare them. Moreover, I managed to split a part of the enemy forces as well.\'

"Ohhhh… going back on your word like that! As expected of my villainess."

\'I mean, I only told them they can come over, not that I won\'t kill them once they do, right? Fufu.\'

It didn\'t take long after the \'host\' returned for the party to end.

And although Bianca\'s father saw the guests off with a smile, Emilia could tell he was dissatisfied with how things really went. Perhaps he had already heard about what happened to Amos, and worried what kind of impact it will have on his cooperation with Mr. Black.

Emilia was of course happy to see it. Anything that made things difficult for her enemies was a welcome change in her book.


Meanwhile, Amos finally arrived back at his \'home\', having long since left the party in advance.

However, instead of feeling relief, the hero felt his blood freeze as he felt a malevolent gaze he was far too familiar with.

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