Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Chapter 328 Overload [4]

"Hehe, I know right?" Req replied with a big smile on her face. 

Although having a smile like that on your face after killing so many beasts and basically causing a nuclear explosion was kind of weird. But then again, I shouldn\'t be the one saying that. 

"It\'s been so long since I used you at this level! Ahh, you must have enjoyed it too, right Requiem?" she said while rubbing the Requiem sword against her cheek, as if it was a plushie. 

"How do we go down?" I asked while I took a look at the ground below us. 

It had been leveled clean and there were no signs of any demon beasts. Of course, the portals were still open but they were a little far away so it would take some time for new beasts to reach here. 

"Oh yeah, I didn\'t tell you how to fly," she said. "Well, it\'s not that hard. You just have to think in which direction you have to go and how fast you want to move, that\'s all. Though it will take you some time to get used to it."

She was right, it didn\'t seem that difficult. However, I\'m sure if I was still afraid of heights—like I was in my previous life—then it would\'ve been much harder. 

"I see," I said as I stared at the clouds in the sky around us. 

It was evening and the sun was setting, leaving the sky colored in a shade of orange and gold. We were pretty high up thus the wind here was much faster and cooler, I didn\'t dislike the feeling. 

This would have been a perfect moment to gaze at the scenery for hours, but only if my entire body was not dying in pain and those big portals were not there. 

"Take us down," I said. She was the one who was making us fly so I decided it was better to let her glide us down. After all, I was still getting hit by waves of unconsciousness and dizziness. 

"Uh, yeah…about that," there was a troubled expression on her face. 

"What? Is there a problem?" I asked. 

To that question, she replied by pointing toward my hands. I followed her line of sight and saw that the black clothing on my hands was slowly melting. Or well, not just my hands but the clothing on my whole body was slowly melting down. The same was happening with Req too. 

"Don\'t tell me the time is already over?" I asked.

"H-haha…" she averted her eyes. That was enough of an answer. 

\'Are you kidding me?!\' I thought as I looked down and reminded myself that we were pretty high up in the sky. Levitating was an ability granted by this outfit, but Req had run out of mana and the suit was dissolving. Which meant no flying either. 

"W-well, I don\'t think we\'ll die from this…it\'s not even that high," she said. 

"As a thousand-year-old warrior that may be true for you, but unfortunately for me, this much height is enough to kill me twice," I said. Of course, that sentence was as sarcastic as it could get. 

In the end, we didn\'t have to wait much longer. A minute or two later the clothing completely dissolved and we started falling down at full speed. 

Req had managed to take us down a bit but the height was still too much for me to survive a direct fall. 

\'This is too much of a pain,\' I sighed. 

A barrier would have been perfect for this situation but I haven\'t gotten around to learning those spells yet. It seemed like I was really in for some trouble. 

"Ah well, I just hope I have enough mana for this," I said to myself as I raised my hand down toward the ground. 

I closed my eyes and imagined a colossal amount of water then used my elemental magic to replicate it in reality. Fortunately, it worked. 

Down at the ground water started to take form, and in no time it started growing big. I made it in a spiral shape—like a tornado—so that we could fall directly into it. 

Soon the water body was as big as I wanted it to be—somewhere around the size of a skyscraper. After that using elemental magic I maintained its shape while creating a bubble of water around us. 

I mean, if I directly fell into the water then I would still end up taking quite a lot of damage. But for that, I had to hold my breath, of course. That\'s why I created the bubble only when we were just about to hit the water. 

Next came the moment of impact and we collided with the large water body beneath us. The collision was so powerful that we were pushed down underwater to a good distance. 

While it was getting harder for me to hold my breath by now, I glanced at Req and saw that she was having no trouble at all. I didn\'t know why, but that felt a little frustrating. 

Although I didn\'t have the time to worry about those things though. Right after we stabilized I reversed the elemental magic to make the water disappear slowly and reach the ground. 

"That was so fun! I\'ve never taken a dive in the water like that!" Req said with a face full of excitement. 

"Yeah sure, so much fun," I said nonchalantly while reversing the water on my clothes to dry them. 

She passed me the Requiem sword and I put it in its sheath at my waist. The area had been cleared of demon beasts and it was going to stay that way for a while, that\'s why I decided to take a little break. 

However, just at that time, something caught my eye. I heard a PING sound in my head, just like that of a notification. Right after that, a translucent white screen appeared before my eyes. 


Name: Zero Blanks

Rank: B

Mana capacity: A

Agility: B

Stamina: A


- [Foresight (Level 2)]: The user can see 0.2 seconds in the future by using this skill.


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