Author's Reincarnation in a Fantasy Setting

Chapter 297 Warlord [4]

Any normal person would have burned out of existence from touching it, but those shadows were protecting her.

\'Do I have enough power to use it again?\' she wondered in her mind.

[Yeah. But you\'ll  have even less time to explain things. Just making yourself exist in the past when you\'re from the future consumes a lot of mana, you know. Do use your time carefully.]

\'I know. I will,\' she replied. \'Now, to take care of this mess.\'

"Absolute Null!" she said.

It wasn\'t a flash move of any sort, though that still didn\'t change the fact that it was terrifyingly powerful; in fact, it was so powerful that it was disgusting.

Absolute Null. Just as its name suggested, it had the power to reject and nullify any attack. After that it didn\'t matter whether it was a god-level attack or cosmic-level.

It was more like a skill than it was a spell; but it still used the user\'s mana when used.

The orb she was holding cooled down and lost all its energy soon before it vanished.

"Phew! That took a lot of time," said the future Zero, brushing her strands of hair to the side that were coming over her eyes.

After that she came down to the ground near Zero and Req. The extra shadows covering her body went back and she returned to her usual black clothing.

She removed the barrier around them, and stood before Zero with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I lost my cool and wasted time," she said.

On the other hand, Zero was more than just shocked. This was one of those rare times when he was having trouble keeping a blank face.

"What the fuck! Are you really me? I mean, am I that fucking powerful in the future? That\'s a ridiculous level of power. You straight up clapped that warlord!" he said.

"Well yeah, it\'s true. I am powerful," she said but with a saddened look on her face. "I have become one of those overpowered characters I used to hate so much, but it came to this because I was driven by my hatred for the demons."

"That\'s what I\'m about to tell you, because I don\'t want you to follow the same path and end up like me. That\'s why I came here," she stated.

She looked at the ground and three thrones made of stone and ice emerged up right before Zero, Req, and herself. "Sit, I have a little story to tell," she said as she sat on the throne behind.

Seeking her advice and following her lead the two of them sat as well. Zero half expected the seat to be cold just like it was when he created something similar but apparently it wasn\'t. He settled in the throne, and so did Req.

When both of them were comfortable, the Zero from the future created another barrier around themselves to prevent any disturbance from happening.

"Now, let\'s get to it," she said and crossed her legs; though she realized it was too much of a girlish pose so with an awkward and irritated face she put them back as they were.

"Anyway, as you said I am powerful; too powerful in fact. But I didn\'t get all these powers at once or activated some system like you see in novels and stuff," she started.

"There is only but one similar point in our lives; both of us were parents right before our eyes and lost control over our elemental magic. The difference came after that, and it was me coming to save you. However, no one like that came for me. I stayed here, frozen by my own magic. Well, until the warlord came and the ice was broken with his shockwaves.

"I wanted to die so bad; after all, there was nothing left for me to live for. But I was way too late, my body and a part of my mind were already thinking of survival and disregarding my suicidal feelings. Thus I fought the warlord there, and it was hard, the hardest fight of my life. Mind you that since no one had come to save me from the future, my wounds weren\'t healed as well; I was in the same condition you were before I healed you.

"I fought him in a half-dead state. Although as I fought, strong hatred started to take birth in me. Why did my family die? Who was responsible for all this? Who\'s fault this was? I thought about all that. And the answer, of course, were the demons. Hatred that crossed all limits came out from me, and it gave me a new goal.

She looked at Zero with a smirk and her darkened eyes. "I wanted to kill them, kill all of em." she said. "I wanted to erase every last one of them, they who were responsible for the death of my family.

"I was filled with a new ambition, and since I had no family to care about now I found no need to suppress my sadistic side. I let it out in the open; though this time I was the one in control. I unleashed the monster within, and alone with the help of Req and the Requiem sword I fought until I\'d drained everything out of my body.

"And in the end I killed him. It was through a cheap and dirty trick, of course, but that\'s what suits me anyway. After killing, I looked at his body while intense hatred was flowing out of my body. Then I sat on my knees and started eating his corpse. I still am not sure why I did that, but I just did.

"From there it was the goal of my life to eradicate the demon race. Nothing else mattered to me; not Ellyn, not Leon, not Ryfin, no one. I used everyone to gain power and then discarded them when they were of no use. Once I had gained enough power I entered the demon realm and started a genocide. Killing every demon that came into sight one by one.

"However, I had underestimated them quite a lot; and I paid for it. In a fight against three demon generals I kind of died; since they destroyed my physical body. If Req hadn\'t saved me then by merging our souls together, I would have been dead now. After that I was one with the Requiem sword, and I experienced a sort of power I\'d never even imagined in my dreams."

"However, that came with its own losses," she said, looking at her own legs.

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