Monster Factory

Chapter 97: Display of real power

Lou Tianjun was kicked right into the room and laid on the ground kicking and turning like a fish on land.

“Who...... Who the fk are you?” Even with Ye Qing blocking the only way out, Lou Tianjun was still unwilling to submit as he stared at Ye Qing with a menacing look.

Ye Qing had one of the peons go out, close the front door, and keep an eye on the 3 trash tier bodyguards.

This was a very industrialized office. All the walls were covered in grind hooks, which had all kinds of machines on them. Next to the wall was a long workbench with vice clamps, small cutters and power drills.

On the workbench was the unrecognizable skeleton of the mechanical engineered chair, while in the corner was a desktop and a high resolution camera.

“I am your worst fking nightmare.” Ye Qing dragged him off the ground and asked with bloodshot eyes: “Tell me, who’s the one paying you to attack my chairs?”

“You...... You’re the owner of the mechanical engineered chair’s manufacturer?” Lou Tianjun, still with fried rice in his hair and on his clothes, retorted: “Good, good, very good. You actually attacked me.”

“Just you wait, I’ll definitely post this on the internet, then sue you for breaking and entering my private residence.”

“Well fk you too.” Ye Qing gave him several more good hard bitch slaps: “But before that, you need to answer my questions first.”

Lou Tianjun’s face was completely swollen, but still put up a ‘try me’ attitude.

Ye Qing, without saying another word, had the peon take him to the workbench.

When Ye Qing took the power drill on the bench and pointed at him, Lou Tianjun was still putting up a fight. Sadly, the fight only lasted until the power drill was right about to touch him.

“I yield damn it, I yield!” Lou Tianjun’s fierce resistance was all for naught: “It’s Kangyuan! It’s Kangyuan who paid me 500K to attack you.”

Ye Wing turned off the drill, asked what the company did, and what was his relation with them.

“It’s a manufacturer based in Shanghai. They specialize in massage chairs and medical massage tools. They are at the top of all massage tool manufacturers within the whole country.”

Lou Tianjun completely spilled the beans as he told Ye Qing everything: “Their main sales product, the space capsule series, costs 28K each, and had some very high sales. But now that you’ve come out with your mechanical engineered chair, their sales plummeted. Many of their original buyers all opted out, saying they were going to buy the mechanical engineered chair instead.”

“Thus they found me and offered 500,000 to attack your product anyway I wanted.”

“Wow ~ You sold yourself for only 500,000.” Ye Qing having now gotten to the bottom of everything, could finally relax.

“Them paying you, means that this wasn’t the first time you’ve done something like this right?”

“So hand me a copy of this transaction, and every transaction from before.”

Lou Tianjun immediately stopped talking. Naturally he would hold onto those transaction records, but as soon as he handed them out, them his life was immediately over.

If those records were somehow to get into the hands of those product makers that he previously attacked, then those heartless capitalists would oh most definitely hire lawyers to send him away.

“Hand over the records. As long as you cooperate with me, I won’t make them public.” Ye Qing knew what he was fearing, but towards these backstabbers, there was no need to be kind and merciful.

Lou Tianjun clenched his teeth, as if saying that he wouldn’t speak even if he killed him.

“Let me ask you one last time.”

Ye Qing in a icy cold tone, spit out: “You need to think carefully about this. Dissect your potential gains, don’t let a moment of rashness ruin you for the rest of your life.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Qing turned the drill on again.

Ye Qing wasn’t joking with him at all. If Lou Tianjun really kept his mouth shut, then Ye Qing definitely wasn’t against drilling a couple holes into him.

And of course ~

With this guy’s courage, Ye Qing could guarantee that before long, Lou Tianjun would spit out everything.

Ye Qing’s guess was naturally right. Although Lou Tianjun was tight lipped, but when the drill just touched his legs, even before blood could be drawn, Lou Tianjun was already yelling out his secretes like no tomorrow.

All the chat history was on the desktop, and transaction records were all on his bank account. Of course, since he wasn’t any spy, he had no need to delete all of those.

This kind of scheme to take money to attack others, he had already done a lot of, but this was the first time someone came to him offering 500,000 , so he was this savage, this barbaric when attacking the mechanical engineered chairs.

“Bro, you’ve got to forgive me!” Having spit out literally everything, Lou Tianjun was now truly a weak piece of trash: “You don’t understand, I was completely dumbstruck when I opened up the chair.”

“I have never seen such a perfect product before. Those welds, those cuts, those precise parts, were all like a dream to me.”

“That structural design can definitely get a Nobel prize.”

“You don’t understand the conflicted feelings I had when I made those posts.”

Ye Qing fiercely smacked him a couple of times more. The resounding sounds were just like cannon firing.

Holy shot, you’ve seen how prefect it is, yet you’re still willing to attack it? Then wasn’t that just asking to be smacked?

Lou Tianjun had half of his face completely swollen, as he sat there nursing it.

But the more he began, the more pissed Ye Qing was. Unable to hold back, he smacked him around a bit more.

“Hold in you screams for a bit.” Ye Qing grabbed him again: “Tell me, what is the rest of Kangyuan’s plan?”

“Spending 500,000 on you definitely wasn’t as simple as just attacking the chair.”

“The rest of the plan......” Lou Tianjun was still seeing stars, shaking his head a bit, he immediately recalled: “Yes yes yes.”

“Asking me to attack you was only their first step to destroy you.”

“The next step is even worse. I said before that your chairs had welding problems right?”

“Their next step was to ask someone to intentionally injure themselves and say that this was all caused by the mechanical engineered chair; which was also conveniently sabotaged.”

“When that time comes, all I needed to do was share the story, then use the connections I have with online news outlets to make this a bigger story than it already is.”

“And they’ll hire lawyers to sue you for compensations.”

Lou Tianjun, spilling the beans on this deadly deadly plan, already had Ye Qing trembling and sweating cold bullets.

If he didn’t take the first step to come here, then when that did happen, wouldn’t it be a complete disaster?

“Mother...... Fker!” Ye Qing tried really had to restrain his urge to smash Lou Tianjun into a complete paste.

“There’s a good reason for them to do all of this.” Lou Tianjun tried to clear away the confusion.

“They’re going to release a new AI assisted massage chair, and even display it on next week’s International Science and Technology Exhibition in Shanghai.”

“At every exhibition there will always be a recipient for the year’s most creative award. I heard that Kangyuan had great confidence in their product, but the sudden appearance of your mechanical engineered chair immediately dashed that.”

“Hence their need to full out attack your product, as a company with a bad reputation has no chance of appearing at those international level exhibitions.”

“You probably know that most of who appears at the International Science and Technology Exhibition are all domestic companies. Foreigners generally only show up as clients to discuss product sales. Winning the most creative award undoubtedly means quicker access to the international markets.”

Ye Qing knew about the annual International Science and Technology Exhibition in Shanghai. It was just that, previously those high end product conventions were all too far away for him to reach.

Who would’ve thought that now his product was that strong; even able to compete for the annual creativity award straight up.

To attend to the exhibition, the requirements were not how strong or powerful your company was, rather it was whether the product you were displaying was creative or had market value.

The reward for winning the most creative award was simply massive. As not only would you win a massive grant, you would also win a massive invisible crown: the best this year in the country.

Now, Kangyuan was deliberately attacking him, to sink him into complete turtle mode on both the public and legal side.

That way, they will be able to win the most creative award with their new AI assisted massage chair much more easily.

Sure enough ~ There’s no such thing as unconditional love, and unconditional hate in this world.

Kangyuan, spending that much effort to target him, naturally had a bigger target in mind.

Ye Qing felt completely fortunate for his decision. Finding someone attacking him for no apparent reason, Ye Qing already had a gut feeling that something much bigger was brewing in the background.

Without the assistance of hackers, brute force was undoubtedly the most simple and most effective method.


Sitting down in front of the desktop, Ye Qing found that his Weibo was still logged in. Thus Ye Qing was contemplating whether or not to post some really disgraceful posts, or to give away tons of money, like giving away massive amount of seeds while driving a train.

That way, this asshole vlogger would definitely get banned!

But Kangyuan’s deadly second step would require his Weibo to take real effect, by creating full out attacks and by borrowing Lou Tianjun’s connections to draw in a massive crowd and fan the flames.

Now Lou Tianjun’s everything was in his hands. When Kangyuan used the fabricated accident to attack him.......

Ye Qing already had a rough outline of how to respond.

Well since Kangyuan wanted to join the exhibition, then he would join as well.

The fists alone weren’t enough to shut everyone up.

Since they were attacking him on quality, then he just has to show then what quality really was. Conveniently he could also explain to everyone on the internet......

What real industrialization meant!

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