What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 924: Making Waves

Chapter 924: Making Waves


Lian Li and Elaria were practically glowing by the time we returned to the beach.

At first, I thought I would be spending an entire day with the two of them but they had passed me off to the next pair as soon as we returned. It seems like they were expecting me to go through all the pairings in a single day.

"We will be in your care, Master," Kiyomi bowed.

"Yayyyy~ Maaaaster~" Guiying squealed, rushing forward to hug me.

I patted the Empress\'s head while giving Kiyomi a nod, "So… Any plans for us?"

"We were made aware that it is normal for beach goers to splash water on each other, so that\'s what we have in mind, Master," Kiyomi explained as a matter of factly.

Oh, playing in the water? A really simple activity that I hadn\'t expected to come from Kiyomi. Not that I mind, of course. Who would dare to complain about playing in the water with two beautiful girls?

Although I\'m not sure if they would be content with just splashing water at each other for the next few hours.

Deciding I\'ll deal with that later on, I simply agreed with their suggestion and let them lead me by the hand towards the sea.

But instead of stopping at where the water reached our knees, they continued pulling me all the way until our feet no longer touched the bottom, floating us along the surface of the sea using their powers.

I very much wanted to ask where they were trying to bring me but I decided to just keep my mouth shut and let them do what they want.

What they wanted turned out to be pulling me all the way out to the middle of the sea until we were but a speck in the horizon if viewed from the beach.

"I think this is far enough, right Master?" Kiyomi asked.

I really wanted to refute her that this was way further than we needed to be but instead, I just nodded.

The two of them then separated themselves from me, moving so far from me that it made me even more confused than I already was.

"Are you ready, Master?!" Guiying shouted over the waves.

I felt a rather bad premonition about what was going to happen but returned an affirmative in response.

Both of them lifted their hands and the bad premonition I had became reality.

Yeah… They never did say how big of a splash the water was supposed to make when playing in the water…

Two giant waves the size of a small mountain rose up behind the two girls, both of them aimed at me for some reason.

I wondered who could have given them this idea right before those two waves big enough to capsize a ship crashed down on top of me.

I resurfaced quickly, only to see the two girls had prepared an even bigger wave that they immediately sent rolling towards my direction. For this one, it looked like they had tried to make the wave as big as they possibly could too.

Seriously, if I didn\'t know any better, I would have thought they were really trying to kill me!

Enduring the second wave that crashed against me, I retaliated by summoning a small wave that appeared right in front of them to splash against their face.

They looked down at where my attack came from before turning to me, showing me a face that looked like I had just killed someone and ate their heart in front of them.

What? What did I do wrong now?!

"Master… Did we do something wrong?" Kiyomi asked, her voice quivering.

"Does Master… Not love us anymore?" Guiying added, also on the brink of tears.

What the hell? Where did that idea come from? Aren\'t we just playing in the sea by splashing water at each other?!

I raised my hand, "Umm… Sorry but I don\'t understand how any of that is related?"

Kiyomi blinked at me, "They said that the more you love the person… The bigger the wave you will need to make in splashing them since it carries your feelings…"

Guiying nodded, "This is supposed to be a rite of passage for couples to prove their love for each other, isn\'t it?"

Ok, no… Seriously, this is Elaria\'s fault isn\'t it? Who else could teach them such a nonsensical thing? They really thought this was some kind of sacred ritual, didn\'t they? I\'m going to have to spank that little sister later…

I considered explaining the truth to them but then stopped myself.

The both of them conjured as big of a wave as they could as a testament of their feelings for me, of course I would need to return their feelings, right?

Alright, if that\'s the case…

I levitated above the water, lifting my hands up into the sky.

If I had to show how much I love them, then there\'s no way I would skimp out on my efforts.

That\'s why…

"Oh… Oooohh… Ooooohhhh!" Guiying let out a rather cute squeal when she looked up.

"Ah… Master… Ah…" Kiyomi moaned, her face twisted into one of pure ecstasy that was a complete contrast to her usual face.

Up above in the sky was not one, but two planet-sized spheres of water that I created in order to signify my love for the two women in front of me.

Of course, if this was normal, dropping a planet-sized sphere of water onto another world would cause a really big catastrophe, much less two. That\'s why I already made the necessary precautions to negate any negative outcomes before dropping it on the two girls.

Yes, I also nullified damage and also made sure that the water would disintegrate instantly after it had completed its purpose in dousing Guiying and Kiyomi.

The two women let themselves be splashed by the water, accepting all of it without any complaint. In fact, they seemed to be relishing it.

Seeing that they knew what it signified, I don\'t doubt that that was really the case.

I couldn\'t help but let loose a chuckle when I saw the scene of the two girls being doused by the two giant water spheres. Who knew that merely playing in the water would result in this? Is there anything else that could be more ridiculous than this?

And as though the universe heard me, the surface of the water nearby exploded outwards, revealing a serpentine dragon that was big enough to swallow us whole.

"Who dares intrude upon my domain?!"

Ugh… Maybe I should have just explained the misunderstanding to the two of my girls instead of summoning those balls…

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