Summoner: Monster Girl Harem!

Chapter 228 1: Mystery Demoness

Vincent spent a quiet few days with the girls in Mel\'Zeths home, taking care of Revana and the other girls he\'d spent time with or had sex with, but something was always eating at his mind since the day he revealed his proper form.

That feeling in his mind, although no longer forcing him to feel a headache, the desire to murder, ravage and devour.

It was now part of him; when looking at his women, a powerful lust would overcome his mind, sometimes losing his control and spending an entire day just having sex with Zerana, Ophelia and Mel\'Zeth.

\'I am glad they let me have some time alone...\' Vincent whispered, remembering the soft smile of all his women, especially Titania and Zarina, who smiled gently while holding the collar of Vera and Zerana; P\'ella was surprised, merely asking for a kiss before he left and for him not to forget her.

\'A cute girl... It seems she\'s finally regaining parts of herself as the innkeeper\'s daughter Pamela.\'

Currently, the group were settled in Gerrak\'dun, the goblin capital. They would take a caravan south to the human capital, cutting their journey down by several days because Mel\'Zeth still needed to earn her blacksmith qualification. Still, now it would be at the same time as the tournament, so Vincent would need to organise two teams and fight the tournament and the dungeon simultaneously.

Thus, he felt great stress that he nearly lost his mother, how that monster he fought showed that Astaroth was one of the tame daemons, and Vincent could no longer relax.

"Hah... Let\'s go have a drink at this bar..." Vincent whispered, his handsome face looking up at a sign that said \'The Watered Goblin\' above a wood, iron and cloth door. He knocked on the wooden front, which opened slowly after a moment.

There wasn\'t much light, the interior being lit mainly by candles placed around the walls and ceiling. There were about three tables scattered across the room, each occupied with people drinking ale or wine together, quietly talking amongst themselves as the bartender was busy cleaning glasses behind the counter near the back wall.

Vincent could only see one free table; in the darkest corner, a female with long blond hair and light blue skin sat quietly in mourning, her hand shaking a glass of liquor over ice cubes and into another bottle sitting beside her.

She wore simple clothing consisting of dark green pants and a shirt, though there seemed to be more metal than leather.

Her eyes looked tired yet sad. When she noticed someone enter her sight line, those eyes widened, staring straight ahead like a deer caught in headlights.

But she then faded back into her dreary and melancholy state.

\'She looks worse than me; let\'s sit there... I don\'t want to speak much, drink and relax...\'

His steps were slow, agile and silent. Seeing the woman was feeling down, he tried to avoid disturbing her as much as possible before standing close to the seat beside her, "May I sit at your table, beautiful miss... I need somewhere to drink and forget my burdens..." Her golden eyes lifted, a slight shimmer at seeing the handsome male, nodding as she tilted her bottle towards an empty glass; Vincent merely nodded and took the cup.

"My name is Amira... you?"

The name was pretty, but he didn\'t know about demon naming sense; with a faint smile, he responded, "V, just call me V... that\'s all I feel like right now."

"Hahaha... you\'re so amusing. Then shall I be Ra? Because that\'s what I feel.... not even worth the first letter of my name!"

The woman, although distressed, was quite the amusing lady as the two began to exchange words, drinking together as time slowly passed, customers came and went, and the night began to descend. For the next few hours, V and Ra were chatting and lightly flirting; slowly, their sombre moods and sorrow began to uplift, both feeling a sense of release from the dreary reality they were dealing with.


"Mmmm... fuck... my head.... and body hurt like hell...." Amira whispered as she woke up, looking around in a strange room; the walls were white and gold, but it seemed like an inn rather than a home. Her lower body was painful, and she felt a strange sense of pleasure as something lodged into her body... a nostalgic and familiar sensation, much deeper inside than she remembered.

Amira began to move, suddenly feeling something hard and extremely hot slipping from her lower body. She finally discovered that it wasn\'t a weapon or injury but the massive cock of the man she had met last night.

He looked depressed, the face of a man who felt like she did; as they got talking, he revealed his mistake almost killed his mother, and it resonated with her loss... the two drank; she seemed to have invited him back to this hotel, and that had... passionate and fierce sex... something she never shared with anyone, even her husband.... her body now filled with his teeth, finger and claw marks.


Her eyes looked down at the sleeping male, realising in the light that he was barely 20. Amira felt her chest tighten as she had just slept with someone her age; imagine it was her daughter\'s lover. It caused her to feel a strange tightness in her chest, but also a fiery pleasure burned in her loins.

"I should go... We are leaving with a caravan tomorrow... Ugh.... fuck it\'s like I\'m a damn virgin again.... this guy\'s future wife... I pity and envy her.... to think I was made to orgasm endlessly and beg for sperm by a kid a fraction of my age... Haha..... Let\'s go...."

Not sure if he had the money for the inn since he covered the bar tab last night; she paid the inn fee and added extra, so he didn\'t need to wake up yet.

Her body now fitted with a tight black tunic and leather pants, as she walked towards the hotel that Verda had rented for their wounded, her body moving with a slight limp as the innkeeper whispered that she should try to be less wild in future as most guests watched her pass by with their lewd and lascivious comments made Amira feel embarrassed.

\'Fuck... that damn V.... making me howl like a beast... I am a proud demon....\'

With her complaints, she finally entered the barracks as her sins and failure again greeted her. However, the thick warmth and sensation of his thick member still inside gave her confidence as she smiled and approached her knights, ready to boost their morale, despite the white fluids dripping down her leg.


At some point, the afternoon sun blazed through the window, and Vincent\'s tired body moved slowly. As he awoke in a state of confusion, his body filled with bruises, claw marks and a woman\'s thick scent and kiss marks.

It turned out that demons were highly passionate and wild if you pushed their buttons and made them horny. Thus Vincent ended up in a drunk battle for his life; at one point, her mouth was latched onto his throat as she was riding on top of him, her insides almost crushing him into meat paste.

"She was so sexy..." He whispered, but knew she was long gone... probably a woman he would never meet again.

"I wanted to thank her at least...."

Because of her appearance, that one night caused him to feel lighter; she spoke about her pain and then helped him realise it wasn\'t his fault and that he saved his mother was something to be proud of.

\'Let\'s find Mother the moment we arrive... I want to see my mother and sister, it\'s been too long, and I miss them both so much. Especially Milla...\'

He sighed softly, knowing that the reunion would bring many questions. But he couldn\'t deny himself anymore; he missed his family as his thoughts drifted off as he thought of the past, the present, and the future.

"Let\'s meet the girls; now I can face them as usual. They all need me to remain stable and robust to support them all. I cannot become useless now; I have too many burdens to falter.

With a more genuine smile, Vincent looked at himself and the hotel room that smelt of the thick union of a male and female, even hours after the end, still filling the room with an aromatic scent.

\'Thank you very much, Amira. If we meet again,  I will surely bed you while we are both sober and not lost in despair.\'

Vincent tried to pay the innkeeper, only to learn she had paid before getting a strange wink and weird glances from the female guests as they swooned and blushed at him while the men looked a little grumpy at the words.

"Bigger than a horse,"

"Make orcs look small." Were whispered in hushed voices by the women, all enjoying his muscular and sensual body.

And thus, Vincent returned to his usual self once more. With his new strength, he could easily beat any opponent without magic.

Now, he needed to prepare for the tournament, and he was already preparing two teams: One team led by himself and the other by his friends, namely Zarina and Zerana.

But something told him there was a danger, not some hunch or thought; instead, his daemon blood told him, warned him that his next threat would not be so simple as overly attached and clingy sisters that wanted to lock him up after beating him, then making him their breeding stud.

It was someone that wanted to end his existence altogether.

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