Summoner: Monster Girl Harem!

Chapter 7 A Past Vendetta [Bonus]

[Increased Stamina: Stamina regenerates faster]


The group stood in front of the large doors. Vincent had woke up a few moments before. He was standing at the back of the group with Odette to his right, Felia to the left and Dirk standing in front with his silver shield and spear.

Violetta watched the group approaching the door. She felt proud that the little boy who used to cry and cling to her dress for attention. (Her imagination) Is now ready to step into the dungeon.

"Remember, this boss is just a beginner level. It won\'t be too hard. But don\'t take it easy as it might lead to bad habits from now on! Good luck!" She said one last time as she gave them a rare, kind smile.

With deep breaths, they entered the boss room. The large doors opened with a thundering rumble. They peered into the room, only to see a square, ominous room was lit with basic torches.

Several goblins were bowing before a larger blue goblin with horns. It didn\'t attack the moment they entered the room and seemed to be sentient.

The blue goblin looked at the party of four. It saw Dirk, its eyes narrowed before it had a small smirk. Then moved to Odette and licked its lips, excited. It looked at Felia only for its excitement to grow further.

When its eyes met Vincent. His body shuddered with a face filled with intense rage. Its arm rose to point towards him.

"How dare you enter here! What is the spawn of that treacherous betrayer doing here?" The blue goblin bellowed. A large shockwave of wind blasted out from his body.



[Triggered Danger Event!]

[Dungeon difficulty doubled!]

[Escape recommended]

"What?" Dirk said. His face stunned.

"Why? What did we do?" Odette asked.

Felia remained silent as her eyes peered towards Vincent. She had known since long ago he wasn\'t human. The reports of the Royal guard are nothing to scoff at.

They found him inside a high rank dungeon sleeping soundly covered in blood. The party leader who found him adopted him. He rejected the guild\'s desire to experiment on the child. The guilds lost interest when he showed nothing special under the testing of all three kingdoms.

\'What are you hiding, darling? Are you an enemy to us all? Or our saviour?\' She thought. Since being a little girl, she\'d heard the stories about the boy found in the dungeon and forcibly had her mother allow her to attend this school to meet him.

At first she believed him to only have looks, as he\'d start stupid fights for no reason. But her own attendant stated that even the powerless have their pride.

"So the spawn of that half blood slut Bellatrix. and that filthy hypocrite Infernus dares to enter our domain?"



The ground rumbled as it covered his body in a wind of tremendous magnitude. Vincent and his party swayed on the spot. He could not understand what had happened.

"You filthy hybrid!"

The goblins\' hatred and anger grew with each insult. His body grew, doubling to over 300cm tall with huge bulging muscles. He held an enormous axe over 250cm long and pointed it towards the group of students.

"You idiots have entered my domain. All the while you brought this dirty abomination that had no right to exist with you!" He said. His voice filled with emotion.

"Now die." Larz said with a dull voice lacking all emotions. Like a real Daemon.

Barely an instant passed as the goblin lept from his chair with a group of 7 empowered goblin warriors. Vincent was shaken, but used his inspection to view their status. Vincent shared the display with his party.


Larz The Betrayed

[Level 12]

[HP: 5000/5000] [—————]

[Strength: 22] [Agility: 5] [Stamina: 15] [Wisdom: 9] [Intellect: 6]


"Shit! What are those stats?" Dirk said, with a sense of fear in his voice. He raised his shield despite feeling the trembling of his body.

"I-I don\'t think we can win. Let\'s run?" Odette was almost completely useless as she said this.

"Calm down. Dirk, keep your guard on Odette, protect her no matter what. I\'ll look for an opening to shoot at his weak spots. I haven\'t seen you fight, so Vincent, you move how you feel best! Let\'s fight, we\'re the best of our year! It\'s just a goblin. Don\'t lose heart Odette Von Conzelmann! Your family is counting on you!"

(Vincent POV)

I watched as Dirk glowed with silver light, raising his shield. Odette seemed to snap out of her spell of fear. She gave Felia a hateful look that slowly turned into a thankful one. The ground shook as the goblin approached with his axe rested upon its shoulder.

"I seek the blessing of steel! Hone my strike and bolster my defence! [Chain burst!]" Dirk called out as his body flashed towards the goblin, stabbing his spear at its thighs twice before leaping back to the front of Odette, his shield covered in silver light doubling its size.


"Maiden of fire! The bearer of sin. Lend me your extensive power! [Fire lance]" Odette finished her chant the moment Dirk arrived in front of her. The large two metre spear shot forward with extreme speeds piercing the goblin\'s thigh as black blood sprayed everywhere.


"Sprits of wind grace my arrows with your blessing! [Arrow Burst!]" Felia had knocked three arrows on her bow. They flew out after her chant. The arrows circled each other before they split into three directions, all impaling the goblin\'s neck and face. They missed his eyes, but I felt a sense of victory.


Larz slammed his axe down, causing a massive cloud of smoke to fill the room. I look on my shoulder to find Silvari was alert and quietly chanting constantly. She had created 12 ice spears as she pointed towards the 7 other goblins that were only level 5.

\'I\'m the only one not doing anything…\'

I calmed my nerves, taking a deep breath. The cooling breeze from Silvari\'s mana removed my sweat. My arms naturally raised towards the adds. It seemed she was waiting for me to cast my spell first.

"Master! I hope you will use my element this time. Show everyone our deep bonds tehe!" Silvari said. She had a little drool coming from her mouth.

\'Master is so cute when he chants. His determined eyes are the best! Legal shota is justice!\' She thought, pumping her fists.

"My Lady of Ice! Maiden of snow, Silvari. Grant me the authority to invoke your domain! [Frost Missiles]"

A thick ice encased my body. It was like when she had used her Anima. Unlike normal mages as a summoner, I would pray to my own spirits to invoke their element.

Something strange happened when I cast the spell: my missiles and Silvari\'s spears fused into a countless array of ice daggers.

She hugged my cheek and gave a sloppy kiss. She was whispering something to do with our bodies\' compatibility being perfect. Her eyes had a small glowing heart mark. \'Strange\' I thought.

We both pointed our hands forward in sync and yelled out together.

"Pierce them through! [Ice daggers]"

The countless daggers shot towards the 7 warriors, ripping them apart with agonising screams following. I saw their arms ripping apart and legs torn off.

Silvari seems to enjoy stuff like this and would kill any of the wasps inside the dungeon that would approach or try to sting her.

\'She\'s a little violent… But why are bugs living inside the dungeon is the bigger mystery!\'




Just as I hearth them scream before my head could turn. Dirk\'s bloody body slammed into my side. His spear snapped, and the shield dented.

His nose and mouth had a trail of blood, it shattered the centre of his chest armour from the impact he had taken.

"D-dirk?" I asked, but received no reply.


The loud stomping of the goblin approaching the girls rang in my ears as I looked in their direction with terror. Its enormous axe slammed into Odette, completely snapping her arm in the wrong direction.

Her body shot into the wall on the opposite side of the room with a bang. The goblin\'s voice once again sounded in my ears.

"Hahaha! Little elf whore, shall I make you my plaything?"

She greeted him with his eye being destroyed. It exploded with a splat as she shot three arrows coated in wind mana at him. She had finally removed one of his eyes.

In her desperation to shoot his eye, she stopped watching his weapon as it swung back from the devastating blow that crushed Odette\'s arm.

"Felia!!" I screamed.

It hit Felia. She was like a ball as she soared backwards like a meteor, slamming into the stone door with a crash. A large gash down her chest.

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